Things to Consider

As you review the finish options from the various manufacturers, keep in mind that there may be several grades of finishes presented, and that each grade may be at a different price point. But they are presented here to help not only in the finish selections after contract award, but also in the planning and specifying phase of the project. Also, when it comes to fabrics, in particular for seating, some manufacturers, like Global Upholstery, also have extensive additional options and grades available. We can supply these as required.

Feel free to reach out to us if we can assist in navigating the multiple options, or narrowing down the workable options based on your requirements. When critical, we can also provide physical samples once you have narrowed the options/colours.

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Global - Finishes

Workrite - Finishes

Lacasse - Finishes

Krug - Finishes

Humanscale - Finishes